My election campaign blog site is born

PaulDeachI have lived in Surrey Heath since 2003 and been involved with several community related projects over the years. I have been asked a couple of times by all of of the local political parties to stand for them as a borough candidate but have always declined.

But this time I have decided to stand as there are quite a few local issues that I am already heavily involved with but I think its time to try and be involved as an elected representative of the local community which may carry more weight and therefore be of greater benefit to all concerned.

I am not overtly political but I am aware of the political issues that involve my community.

As a Deepcut resident the biggest local issue I am involved with is the redevelopment of the Princess Royal Barracks, in Deepcut. I happen to believe that the impact the redevelopment will have on the wider community of Surrey Heath will be profound in particular to the surrounding villages.

Last night I was out pounding the streets in Mytchett and it is as much a concern there as it is in Deepcut. Traffic is already unbearable across the borough but I cant even begin to fathom what 1200 + extra houses in Deepcut will do to our already congested roads.

I am passionate about finding ways to get young people involved in shaping our communities. Young people in Surrey Heath are terribly under represented and the community network I created will help bridge that gap by giving young people a way to communicate in a way they understand better than anyone.

The Surrey Heath Residents Network was created to help the many community groups, voluntary organisations and charities in Surrey Heath raise their profiles in the community. I don’t believe that our borough council do enough to recognise excellence and public service and if I were elected I would do my best to try and ensure volunteers are better supported and recognised for the fantastic contributions they make to our communities. And I am not just talking about Deepcut & Mytchett, but across the borough. I come from a strong sales and marketing background which I am already putting to good use to help promote the countless amazing community groups in Surrey Heath. If I were elected, I would hope to use those skills to influence the council to go even further in supporting the community groups that deserve our full support.

Right now there are a number of serious issues to effect residents of Deepcut and Mytchett. In my mind these are:

  • Issues surrounding the re-development of Princess Royal Barracks in Deepcut and the impact that will have on the surrounding villages such as Mytchett.
  • The proposed merger of Tomlinscote School / Kings International College.
  • Youth disorder/anti social behavior in Mytchett.

No doubt many more local issues will present themselves but these are the ones I am focused on right now.

Some may argue that the Tomlinscote/Kings issue is not a borough matter and is county matter. I would argue completely to the contrary. I consider myself a community activist and therefore any help and advice I can offer local residents get what is best for them and the community should be on the agenda. Also I have a 4 year old that will be affected by this stupid idea and so I am completely behind the parents of both schools.

I believe the residents network I created is helping to open up communication between residents in Surrey Heath and is helping raise awareness of the local issues. My aim is this will reduce apathy.

The residents network is non political so that is why I am not using the network to help promote my election campaign.






2 responses to “My election campaign blog site is born”

  1. timdodds Avatar

    Paul, Fantastic blog. What’s not to love about Paul Deach – great election pitch. When I set mine up before the council elections of 2007, I was a bit more reticent than you, and began blogging as Lightwater. I’m reconsidering starting a blog as plain Tim Dodds. Also, knocking on doors is the way to success.

  2. deachy Avatar

    Thanks for the vote of confidence Tim. Your blog was in fact the inspiration in starting one up for my election campaign.

    No point in hiding from what it is. I am trying to get elected so why not give it a relevant title?

    I have knocked on Doors in Deepcut and Mytchett but not as much as I would have liked. I know it is no excuse but I am a dad to a four year old, a husband to a very busy media executive, a health care professional at the Royal Surrey and the author of a reasonably popular blog. Somehow I need to find more time to get out and meet more residents and one way or another I will do exactly that.

    How do you find the time as an elected representative for Lightwater and the Deputy Mayor?

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